Monday, 10 March 2014

Aeronautical Mobile

Part of my work involves being posted overseas during the WInter on work detachments, and as part of my current detachment I have to fly from Gran Canaria to either Sweden or Finland every fourth day. Aeronautical mobile is currently forbidden in the UK, along with Italy, however the rest of EU allows /AM. If I apply CEPT temporary recommendation TR61-01 whilst operating from a foreign country I am bound by the rules and limitations of that particular country. Each country retains sovereignty for it's own airspace and therefore that countries rules apply, so as long as I'm not in UK airspace, and follow TR61-01 recommendations, I can operate aeronautical mobile in the airspace of a country that allows such.

Still with me? good.

So yesterday I had to fly to Oulou in Finland, some 6hrs 10min flight time, the captain had no problem with me operating /AM so I decided to put out a call. During the outbound and inbound sector I operated on 15, 17, and 20m and made 167 contacts with the following country prefixes:

VK, ZL, JA, YB, CT, DL, F, EA, SP, PA, OE, OK, OH, OM, SM, LA, 9A, I, SV, D, GI, GM, GW, ZD8, V21, J69, V44, 8P6, W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W8, W9, VE1, VE2, VE3, VE5, RA, UY, YO, YL.

I'll be flying again on Friday morning, please listen out for operating /AM

Stephen G7DIE


  1. Fantastic to QSO with you today /AM to /M - thoroughly enjoyed making the contact. All the best to you and the crew - 73 Sean 2E0XBT/M

  2. Thanks very much Sean, it was my pleasure.

